Our Areas of Focus

Legislative Affairs

We interact with Ohio Senate and House members to make sure our legislators have up to date information. Too often, misinformation and out of data and skewed data is presented to law makers to intentionally confuse the issue.

Additionally, we interact with executive agencies, like the Ohio Department of Taxation to maintain a professional working relationship.

Adult Access

Adult consumers of vapor products are often forgotten about.

19% of adult Ohioians smoke cigarettes. Only 6% vape. In the interest of public health, we need to decrease adult smoking and increase adult vaping.

Of course, neither smoking or vaping is the best option. But, while cigarettes still are available to all adults, a safer alternative must remain available.

We will never stop fighting for adult access to ALL vapor products.


Our members are small business "mom & pop" shops. We stand together with you against our very well funded adversaries.

They might have hundreds of millions of dollars from out of state billionaires, but we have success stories. We actually help people stop smoking! We wont stop until adults, who choose to switch from cigarettes to vapor products, have complete access to the products they choose.